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Energy solutions for greener world
„When the winds of change blow, some people build walls, others build windmills“ - Chinese Proverb



About us

DEWORKS offers a wide range of energy solutions, from small ones to large scale utility projects. Thanks to our long-term international activities and experience with international trade, development, acquisitions and investments in green energy projects, we created a reliable network of specialists, consultants,cooperating companies and investors. Today, we can offer professional advice, consultancy and business opportunities especially for institutional and private equity investors. Besides the focus on project acquisitions of different operational assets and renewable projects in different development stages , we provide products and services in the field of energy related projects in the industry, in particular electrical installations as well as products for the electricity transmission and distribution. Our main geographical focus is Central, Eastern, Southern Europe and Germany.



We at DEWORKS, believe that future energy markets will be driven by the energy from the sun and needs for the decentralized energy solutions will increase year by year. We want to contribute to a cleaner world and make long-term savings on electricity costs for households and industry at the same time. Together with our strong partners, we prepare optimized turnkey solar solutions for end consumers in Slovakia, Hungary and Poland. Furthermore, we analyze investment possibilities in the large scale utility segment , of projects with the installed capacity higher than 500 kWp in particular in countries of Central and Eastern Europe, continuously.




To bring a wind farm to an operational phase takes three to five years of hard work, years of precise planning and development. With our experienced local partners in developing and in construction we offer investment opportunities and consultancy services especially for institutional investors. Our main country focus is Poland.




Hydropower as the traditional renewable energy source is most common in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, with the highest share on produced electricity from all renewable energy sources. A lot of large scale hydroelectric power plants need re-powering and modernisation. We look for investment opportunities with long-term perspectives in form of joint ventures with existing operators or in the form of structured project financing. We analyze also investment possibilities in small sized hydrolelectric power plants with the installed capacity up to 1 MWp. Our main country focus is Slovakia and the Czech Republic.



for Industry

In consortiums with our well established and recognized international partners with an excellent track record we offer complete electroinstallation services, commissioning of the electrical systems for industrial companies and construction projects. We can distribute electrical equipment such as electrical switchboards, complete transformer stations, distribution substantions according to specifications of customers, cables and wires for low and high voltage installations as well as industrial, street and park lighting equipment. Our main country focus is Slovakia and the Czech Republic.



DE-WORKS, s.r.o.

Kmeťova 13

040 01 Košice


+421 55 290 20 32


DE-WORKS, s.r.o.

Kmeťova 13

040 01 Košice


+421 55 290 20 32

Contact us:
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